Welcome to Oregon Wing’s
This series of 3 sessions covered a variety of topics relevant to CAP Recruiting and Retention Officers. Led by Col Darin Ninness, the New Hampshire Wing Commander, Maj Michael Moore, the CAP Recruiting & Retention Manager, and Lt Col Ed Bos, the Oregon Wing Inspector General.
Participants who dialed-in and/or watched the recorded sessions asynchronously, and completed the final quiz by the established deadline may have been eligible for credit for a Recruiting and Retention Workshop for their specialty track progression. Documentation of participation and completion of the quiz was sent to the members, for them to request credit from their commander.
Recruiting and Retention – Session 1 Resources
Ninness’ CAP Recruiting & Retention Youtube Channel
Recruiting and Retention – Session 2 Resources
Recruiting Hand-Out Cards (Courtesy of Maj Michael Moore, CAP)
Vendor NHWG Previously Used for Folders (Not an Endorsement by CAP)